Monday, September 27, 2010

How Music Affects Fashion Blog 1

In today’s society everyone wants to look like a pop star. Women today want to look like Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Miley Cyrus. Katy Perry’s music describes her style and influences the way she dresses. Her new Song “Teenage dream “states “I might get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans be your teenage dream tonight" is the perfect example of how she dresses. Katy Perry has a lot of influence on teenagers because of her fame and music. She is a beautiful strong woman who wants to stand out in a crowed and her fashion says that. The more a person likes an artist the more they want to look like them.
Taylor Swift is my personal Idol she never looks under dressed even when she is. In her music is very country pop and that’s what her style is like. She takes a gown and puts cowboy boots on them and it is fashion. Her music she can mesh two worlds into one. Miley Cyrus has a big effect over how younger children dress. Miley has this because she was Hannah Montana and unfortunately she took her style and made it to mature for the age group that idolizes her. I mean I get that’s she’s trying to find herself and she was treated like an adult at a young age. She may have crossed a line but what teenager doesn’t? I thought her lined at Wal-Mart isn’t bad for younger children and teens their affordable clothes that she herself wears. Pete Wentz is another great person that meshed his music and clothes. He sells for both male and females.

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